30+ years of experience in applying industry tried and tested methods, solving complex operational problems for our clients

OpSolv News

May 2022

OpSolv start working with local GP practices to help improve customer journeys, through value stream mapping and the implimentation of standard operating procedures across multiple practices.

November 2021

OpSolv provide Lean Consultancy and Interim Management support with our partner Rubicon Wigzell to support improvements in the design delivery of the central and northern sections of High Speed 2

June 2021

OpSolv provide project management and interim management services to Forterra to lead and manage a range of projects, including a major facility move.

April 2021

OpSolv begin working with CityFibre, with the purpose of reducing current levels of WIP, thereby liberating up to £60m in associated working capital

March 2021

OpSolv begin working with a major payment processing company to establish and implement an Incident Management Framework that will enable them to improve their response to unforeseen events affecting the company or their clients.

March 2021

OpSolv facilitate a collaborative workshop between Jacobs, Costain and East Sussex Council. The purpose was to identify ways to improve the SEI programme on the East Sussex Highways contract.

Due to COVID, the workshop was run using Microsoft Teams and Mural, enabling the attendees to form break-out groups and work together on a virtual whiteboard to generate ideas and prioritise the themes that would provide the greatest benefits.